Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Leg of Summer

Here it comes, like it or not. For all returning students, these are the last couple weeks of the true summer feeling. Only a little while until school starts back up, with all its fun, but also all its shittyness. Long hours of studying and long days of classes are not my definition of fun. Socially, however, the new year brings new people, new parties, and a whole lotta entertainment, especially for those of us living on campus. Some are headed for farther places, though.
Jamie, you are goin off to Tally to leave us Gainesvillers behind, for different experience. After last weekend, I can see you will have the time of your life (as long as you can get past all the bull shit and figure out the Anna situation). Will and Xavier are gone off to their corners of the country to try their hands at what they do best. Have at it gentlemen. As for me and Justin, we will continue to represent the guys on the Gainesville front, but now at the big house, UF. This last summer didn't exactly yield all that we had hoped, but rest assured, there will always be time for canoe trips and river house extravaganza's with Walmart and cigar's out on the deck. Anytime we are all back here we will continue to do what we do best.
As for these last couple weeks, I could use a couple more river trips, itchmetouchme floating excursions, slip and slide fiascoes, and late night raves with everyone. So lets make it happen.